By Bill DelaneyCollege students are constantly cramming, whether it is for class or lunch. Students complain they don't have time to eat right. Emerson College Student Brittany Berkowitz says "I always try to eat healthy, I am careful about everything I put into my body, but it's hard to get good food around here."
This is a common complaint among college students, especially in Boston. Good food is extremely hard to find, while junk food is around every corner in the streets of Boston.
A University of Massachusetts student Sal Paci complains, "When I try to eat healthy it is almost impossible because fast food places are everywhere and so cheap."
But Nutritionist Joan Siegle Blake believes eating healthy is something college students have to start doing. Blake says it may take a little extra time, but she believes it is well worth it.
Blake says says a great tip for people going to school or with a busy work schedule is to buy healthy frozen dinners. Blake says, "It is better than having Rachel Ray in your kitchen." In the video below Blake has more tips on how you can eat healthier when pressed for time and money.
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