Survive + Thrive

Two college-age women discuss their body image battles

By Lauren Muskett


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 Jenna Cannava (left) is an attractive 21-year-old Boston area college student who has poor body image. Cannava looks healthy and has a good family, but she said she hates her body. She said she constantly worries about her appearance and is sometimes so uncomfortable with her body she will refuse to go out. She said she  has been going to plastic surgeons regarding making changes to her body. 

To hear more from Cannava about her concerns over her body image, click the video interview below.


Thumbnail image for mimi.jpgMimi Monet (right)  is a smart, pretty 23-year-old Boston area graduate student who said she has struggled with body image, but now finds confidence in how her body looks. Monet said she has felt pressure to change her body from past relationships and from being teased in grade school, but encouragement from her father when she was younger instilled a lifelong dose of confidence in her body.


To hear more from Monet about her thinking about her body image, click the video interview below.